Friday, 15 May 2009

The Daily Mail did something interesting for once

"We [The Daily Mail] are joining forces with the Tax-Payers' Alliance to launch a campaign for the private prosecutions of backbenchers and ministers who have pocketed thousands of pounds through dishonest claims."

Well that is rather interesting, hopefully some of the greedy bastards (fingers crossed it's Jacqui Smith and Hazel Blears) will get the fucking book thrown at them.

UPDATE: Just read about Ed Balls & Yvette Cooper, I hope they get fucked by the long dick of the law over this. and not to mention Shahid Malik the delusional prick, I don't think ANYONE living in Britain today would claim a £730 massage chair to be something essential to doing their job. everyone else seems to fucking manage without one?!

UPDATE 2: Shahid Malik has stepped down pending further investigation. Only another ~643 to go!

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