Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Yes We Should Ban the Burkhas

I'm not going to write a long ranting post, im just going to point out the facts.
  • Burkhas are oppressive and alienate women.
  • The Koran says women should dress 'moderately' (where the fuck did living inside a black fabric body bag come from?).
  • If we visit a mulsim country we have to dress as they want. (so clerics and other fucknuggets can't claim that banning the burkha is a racist act).
  • Many women are forced to wear a burkha against their will.
  • (As the French president has said) 'It is not a sign of religion, it is a sign of subservience.
  • It can be a security risk. If I walked into a bank in a burkha, no one would mind. If I walked into a bank wearing a balaclava the alarms would be going off before I could ask to withdraw some money.
  • Restricting for the wearer, in general everyday activities, jobs and socially
  • They are uncomfortable (according to various reporters, muslim reporters)
In summary really, I'm just scratching the surface of the problems with burkhas, my personal view is that they should be banned. If I were to travel to a muslim country I'm not allowed to drink or be half dressed. So claiming it is a religious right is bullshit as nowhere in the teachings of islam does it say women should where the burkha.

I don't normally agree with the French but on this one they've got it right.

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Tube Strike... Striking achieves NOTHING

Tube strikes are causing more havoc than a minor terrorist attack, without the fatalities. Nobody working in London is going to have a good journey to work when they can't take their usual route, and have this site waiting at the bus stop:

The tube workers want a payrise? What, now? When everyone else is feeling hard times because of a recession, getting their pay frozen at a low rate whilst tube workers (or their union) want a 5% payrise!?

Fuck off.

Then the other wheel in the works: the demand by the RMT to have 2 sacked employees reinstated.

1: Under investigation for alleged theft.
2: Pulling up at station and opening the wrong side doors of the train.

Sorry but if you can't tell which fucking side is left and which is right, then check what side the platform is on. If you can't even do that you fucking deserve to be fired. Because of the chaos caused by fears of no tubes last night, the train was once again RAMMED like a tin of sardines. IF the wrong doors had opened at that point in time a good hundred or so commuters would have tipped out of the carriage and down the side of the train?! reinstated? fuck off! if someone had got hurt he would be getting some form of anal probing from the authorities.

This two day strike is a joke, at the end of the day it achieves NOTHING. All it has done is hurt the fragile economy, fucked with people's lives, jobs and mornings.

And the best part of it all is that we are paying a hefty portion of our wages for the priveledge of using this service that is so reliable there's even an iphone app to check what lines are running, delayed or working.

Sort it the fuck out.

I want the tubes to run like clock work not like a one legged monkey.

[irony] I'm sure i'm not the only Londoner that is a huge fan of the Tube right now. [/irony]

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Egg on yer face Mr. Griffin?

Okay more like the back of your head than face, but that's good enough for me!

Thursday, 4 June 2009

The Demise of Gordon Iminent?

Look Gordon!, that's a cabinet which is NOT broken.

Well hasn't a lot happened!

Just a quick note to say, if the broach Hazel Blears was wearing (about rocking the boat) was chosen on purpose, very nice touch! Cheeky little....

Back on topic... with the latest hot topic being an email calling for an uprising to de-throne the unelect one. See Below.

Earlier today, James Purnell resigning! and in the process of doing so calling for Gordon Brown to stand down!

From my point of view, Gordon Brown has now lost complete control, it's as if people are quitting to distance themselves from him. TBH I'd do the same. I don't know what good Gorgon has done for this country, if any. He's lost the publics confidence, and now his own cabinet's. At this stage, unless whoever replaces Gorgon is beyond AMAZING I don't think labour have a hope in hell of staying in power.

I read an interesting article, maybe in the Times or Telegraph, about Gordon walking into the house of commons and being really happy and smiley. But as things got worse, David Cameron making some negative comments, Gordon's smile got bigger and his 'mood' seemed to improve. To me, this shows he knows he's fucked. That is the sign of a man shitting his pants if there ever was one.

Gordon, please step down now, before 71 or more MPs get the security round to throw you out on your ass. Hold on to the few shreds of dignity you can.

Monday, 1 June 2009

Why Won't Gordon Brown Just Leave?

Stand down or call for an election god dammit!

"He said that he was determined to "clean up" the political system before the country went to the polls again while at the same time leading Britain out of recession."

For fuck sake, the people don't want YOU to. Call for an election and let the people decide who they would like to be in charge.

At the end of the day, its got nothing to do with a desire to fix our country, or to restore faith in MPs after all of the scandals! It's to do with this: Labour are more popular then the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats, delaying holding an election is just pissing the public off. It's not reassuring people that the country is going to be fixed, its reassuring people the 'democracy' they live in is being run by an un-elect ape.

I wonder what the odds on Gorgon being PM for as long as legally possible are. Hmm.
